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Personal Electronics

Personal Electronics Policy

MDUSD Cell Phone, Smart Watch & Other Personal Electronics Policy

·    We recognize that parents provide their children with cell phones and smart watch devices for safety reasons like walking to and from school. Therefore, we understand that students will bring their devices to school.  Students may not use their devices between school hours (7:40am- 2:42pm).  Cell phones and watches must remain turned off and stored away during the school day. This includes instructional time, recess, lunch, field trips and using bathrooms.

·    Cell phones and smartwatches used to make calls, text (parents or peers), or play games during the day will be confiscated and parents will need to pick up the device from the main office at the end of the day.  

 ·   Students may not photograph or take videos of any staff members or other students in and outside of the building. 

·    If students need to reach a family member, they can use the phones in the main office.  Students will never be denied calling home. 

You can help us enforce this policy by not texting your children and calling or answering their calls during the day.  If you need to communicate with your student please call the front office and we will relay the message. 

Please Note

· Children may store their devices in a locked cabinet in their classrooms if they choose. 

· Gregory Gardens staff is not responsible for lost or stolen items. 

First Infraction - Students will have their cell phone taken away and returned at the end of the day.

Second Infraction - Students will have their cell phone taken and locked up in the office until a parent can come to school to retrieve it.

Third Infraction - Students will no longer be allowed to bring a cell phone to school until a parent conference with the principal is held.

Please know in the event of an emergency parents or guardians can always call the office and we will gladly get the information to your child.